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Why this blog?

If you've stumbled upon my blog, you might be a future teacher, current teacher, or just interested in the world of education! Whatever the reason, welcome! I hope to reach readers across the world, and I'm thankful you've taken the time to check out my blog!


The purpose of this blog is three-fold.


1. I am passionate about the education system and being able to pursue the opportunity to become an Educator. Unfortunately, I am often met with criticism and negativity towards the teaching profession. Many people look down on teachers, and the notoriously low pay check definitely doesn't help! I wanted to provide a positive space for aspiring teachers and current teachers to learn from each other, interact, and uplift one another! 


2. I want to document my journey in real time in hopes that I can help other individuals going through the same process. I hope to provide advice, experiences, and other resources that help others on their paths to becoming teachers. It's also a nice story to look back on when I have been in the field for years, to see how much I've evolved as an Educator.


3. I want to learn, and help others learn, from other teachers! Teaching should be a collaborative process. Sharing tips and tricks, classroom hacks, and other information can help build a generation of well-equipped, more prepared, confident educators! 


I hope this blog is able to grow and evolve over time, and as this happens, I hope to expand on the material I write about! Currently, I plan on sharing information from interesting classes I've taken, advice from current teachers, submitted stories of favorite teachers, and other current events in the field of education. Once I reach my days of student teaching and licensure, I hope to share study tips, licensure options, or other resources that may be spread throughout several websites. I'm also open to any suggestions from readers that can be submitted through this webpage at any time! I'm looking forward to connecting with you all soon! 




Emily B. 




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